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Billboard Metro Bellas Artes, Caracas 2003
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The large-size image is based on an aerial view photograph of 23deEnero, Caracas/ reconstructed through the textsource of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999)

Detail, original photo, details of photo transferred into asci text

23 de Enero/Constitution

...To represent forms of transformative urbanism in our project Caracas, hecho en Venezuela (Caracas, made in Venezuela) and to link two productive processes occurring in Caracas - 23 de Enero and the new Constitution of Venezuela - we altered an aerial image of 23 de Enero with software we developed. Through this process, the photograph is reconstructed with text characters of the entire 1999 Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela..... The symbolic fusion of megastructures like the modernist large scale public housing project and revolutionary state-constitution speculates on possible forms of participatory modernism. It relates collective practices which produce the new spatial relations in Caracas to Venezuelan participatory democracy. The image points towards the necessity of scale jumping in current urban debates to articulate global forces in urban territories and local, community based self-organizing practices to state responsibility.